Ow, ouch, oh my bones, agh, need hip replacements...
We walked the entire length of Blackpool Illuminations. Over 5 miles according to the map but either it is more or the average speed of walkers is nothing like the 4 miles an hour they say it is... We were with a group of women (hmm, yes I was the only bloke!) from Sainsburys where Fran works and as some of them were seasoned walkers we set off at the boggart. (translation - we were walking bloody fast!)

We had tagged on to a party from some ramblers' association and we took a tram down from Bispham to Starr Gate near the airport and almost as soon as we set off with some of the ramblers in front someone said "I'm not going so slow..." and we moved up eighteen gears. I had taken the camera but there was little chance of taking photos if I wasn't to fall way behind. As it was, I nipped to the loo when we reached the North Pier and then had to step up until I looked as though I was in a speeded up film to catch everyone up!!!

I took just one photo of the Illuminations and had to run to catch up with the ladies who were by then just little orange dots in the distance... "Do you want a jelly baby?" one asked. So who's got extra energy for chewing??? It took us just less than two hours to walk all the way back to Bispham by which time my shoes were smoking... Someone said they must be new because they had been squeaking... That was my joints for Pete's Sake!!!
Sore feet, sore back, hip joints telling me they do actually exist and I should be aware of that... Sheesh, I can't wait to do it again... groan...!
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