I started the day full of good intentions to strip the remaining wood board panelling from the entrance hall, the stairs and the landing.
Once I gathered all the tools, I realised that the battens that the panelling is fastened to go all the way up to the ceiling, which is a bloody long way up above the bottom of the stairs. My stepladders don't do stairs...
I could tear and twist at the bottom I thought, but then the battens are only 1/2 inch square and would probably break off leaving a bit at the top. In any case there would be huge holes ripped out of the plaster where the rawl plugs are fixed...
So I abandoned the idea and resigned myself to a day of fun...
"You can plaster the holes you left in the hallway then," Fran said logically. I hate logic. I hate D-I-Y too but I did have some plaster in the outhouse.
So I spent a couple of hours filling up holes, smoothing out cracks and knocking out a load of loose plaster in the ceiling corner near the door. I actually managed to replaster that too. I was quite impressed with myself...
Not quite sure how I'll deal with all the lumps and bumps yet but plenty of time for that next week or the week after.
So thought I'd open a bottle of wine to celebrate my success and felt drunk before any of it passed my lips...
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Lois Maxwell - the Miss Moneypenny. R.I.P.
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