I'm feeling mellow this morning... I'm sitting here at the computer with my jukebox playing 1960s sounds (Good Vibrations at the moment).

It's a Rowe Ami RI-2 and dates from 1979, although I usually have it loaded with 1960s records. Currently (I've just noted with a twinge of guilt) half of it seems to be loaded with Christmas songs... It does take a while to reload it to be honest. Well it does if, like me, you keep your records in specific boxes so they can be easily found again. Changing the 60 records that the Rowe Ami holds means getting out all the boxes, and then finding the sleeve, removing the title strip from the jukebox display and filing the record away in the correct place in the correct box.

Then you find another 60 and start to fill it again. If I had any sense I'd put all the records from a single box (they only hold 50 but let's not quibble) as this would make it much easier. I could then swap one box for another. At one time I used to swap them every fortnight. Now... well it was obviously Christmas the last time... I'm trying to remember which one...
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