I was really impressed with this place when it first opened; the architecture is fun and the place is visually very good.
Around the eating section there are themed "streets" and the main seating area is like a cruise ship's deck with a huge video screen set in the front of the "bridge" superstructure.
It's the shops that let it down. Fine if you're a female - although how all those clothes shops manage to make a profit is beyond me. When the place first opened there was a section at one end with lots of small shops and stalls. They included one selling musical instruments and a "Last Picture Show" selling movie and comic-related stuff. Now that's been replaced by a huge John Lewis store.
The only real male-oriented shop is an excellent model shop right up at one end near Debenebenebenhams. There is also a Virgin rip-off store, an HMV, a Waterstones, W H Smith, Jessops and that's the male interest bit done with.
There's only so many DVDs and CDs you can look at (I did come away with 6 DVDs...)
Anyway, excellent steak and ale pie in the "Trafford Tavern" - big chunky and appealing! Or was that the waitress...? No! No! No!
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