My close friend Marlene sent news of a friend from South Africa. She wrote:
This is a syndrome that not many people know about, but my friend in SA and her little girl were diagnosed 2 years ago. It is literally a time bomb in your chest. Just a little while ago, a nurse in her 30s, somewhere in the UK, died from shock when her alarm clock went off - Long QT was only diagnosed afterwards.Here's a link to the article on the documentary Marlene mentions.
Fiona (my friend) sent through a link this morning about a documentary made about the syndrome, by a young man who suffers from it and who lost his father at age 39, and an aunt who was then only 13.
I read the movie description, then commented on the fact mentioned that this little-known syndrome (often wrongly diagnosed as epilepsy) is currently attributed to killing more than 1000 people per year in the USA. She wrote back: "Oh yes. The death rate is higher that those who die of leukemia."
Can you believe it?? She was in a state after the diagnosis; still is. She's on beta blockers now, and her little girl was 7 when she had to start them as well.
It's not been a good time for the Ladies Over The Water recently. Amanda's son Edwill had a fall from a balcony that will have long-lasting consequences and Evy has been diagnosed with problems with the levels of calcium in her bones. Instead of bathing in milk, she now has to drink three bathtubs of milk an hour...
John, thank you for putting this on your blog.
ReplyDeleteThe more people who become aware of this, the more people will be saved by timeous intervention.
Fiona (aka. Fi)