Another in the series of articles about old arcade machines. I'm sure a lot of you will remember these.

One or two may still be on site in arcades around our coast I'm sure. Coin slot rifle ranges were very popular in the 1950s and 60s and I remember wanting to grow a few inches taller so I could reach high enough to see and have a go. Many operators had a foot stool for young boys (or girls - must be PC these days...though then again I can't remember any young girls playing these at all? Any comeback from this girls?).
Anyway until I grew big enough, using the stool meant the rifle stock felt awkward beside my cheek and I remember having a terrific whack on the jaw once as someone walking past shoved the back end of the rifle which hit me fair and square. Or unfair... ...hurt...! Some had moving targets but most were fixed targets that lit up and a "hit" made the light go out. There was always at least one that didn't go out no matter how accurate you were and you always wasted three or four shots on it!
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