Sunday 24 August 2008 was a day at sea on the Island Star. We sat sheltered under the canopy of the upper sundeck and the only incident of note was mid afternoon in the middle of the Mediterranean when there was a loud thwack! and a small bird, the size of a sparrow, but bright green in colour, fell onto the table right in front of Fran. The poor thing had flown over the ship, thought to swoop over the pool and out through the side and crashed into the window which it couldn't see.
It was stunned unsurprisingly and to give it a chance I picked it up and moved it to a quieter spot away from the sun deck, wondering whether it would recover. Around half an hour later I was just about to go to look at it again when we saw it fly off, probably a little pained and puzzled!

Monday 25 August 2008 saw us docking in Ajaccio, Corsica and we took an excursion to see the Prunelli Gorge.

Getting out of the coach we soon found that this was no mighty Cheddar Gorge, but it had some nice views none-the-less and the advantage of a little bridge that we could look over the edge and completely block to traffic...

Next we came to the Tolla reservoir. We were all getting ready for something to drink and apparently that's our next stop! So with that in mind we posed for photos at the reservoir!

I'll just put the one up here, but every possible combination had to be done...

The reservoir gets its name from the town of Tolla, which is around halfway down the reservoir. The restaurant we visited is further down almost at the end of the reservoir.

We stopped for a cafe break here, where we (a bit to my surprise) were able to get a drink including a cup of tea for Mum.

I was expecting getting drinks - it was the availability of tea that surprised me.

I went for a short walk as someone said there was a spectacular view of a dam at the end of the reservoir. This is looking back at the restaurant.

Then a fast-paced walk over rough paths high above the road.

And at the point where I was starting to wonder whether I had time to get there and back before the coach was due to leave, I find this small unguarded concrete platform right on the edge of the precipice overlooking the dam of the reservoir. Not for those who suffer from vertigo!!!
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