I mentioned that it was a while since we caught up with the exploits of Edgar Pedley who served in the Signals Corps through the First World War.
Edgar's missives home, or at least those that are still in existence because it's quite likely some were lost or went to other branches of the family, are few. From the time he left for war in 1916 there is a single postcard from 1916, one from 1917 and then right up to May 1918 which is the last we heard from him (in this entry published on the blog in November 2014).

Edgar survived the war and enjoyed a spot of leave from the Army back home in Shropshire where he lodged with Arthur and Fanny Storr. It is now the 19th of May 1919 and Edgar has been mobilised again as we can read in his postcard, posted from Folkestone.

Folkestone, Saturday.
Dear A & Mrs Storr
Arrived here 10:30am, beautiful day, sea front crowded, orchestra playing (what a nice send off!) Had to wait at Crewe last night from 7:15pm to 11:40pm, just what I'd expected, Expect to sail about 2:30 this afternoon. Cheerio

Date unknown: Edgar Pedley (right) enjoying a picnic with Fanny and Arthur Storr.
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