I never fail to be utterly entertained and entranced by these days which happen just once a year in August. We rotate the arrangements for the meal and Alex did the honours this year with Jackie looking for a suitable eatery in or near Liverpool for next year. If any other old friends would like to join in, my email address can be found in the left hand column.

Jackie wanted to know what had happened to my old Nostalgia website which had lots of memories about the school. My main website disappeared when I moved ISPs and the intention is to recreate the pages here on this blog - hence old stuff like the Amsterdam weekend being uploaded.
The only problem with the blog format is that entries appear in reverse order...
So my task for sometime during the next year is to get the old Nostalgia site recreated here. There are already a number of entries under the nostalgia label and they will get added to that and also added to the family and friends label.
So of course most of the jokes told on Tuesday were far too politically incorrect to put on here and many of the memories meaningless to outsiders or have already been covered or will be recovered once I get cracking on the pages about Heywood Grammar.
The food was wonderful, I had salmon in oyster and mussel sauce - this came ringed with mussels which I really cannot bring myself to try. Sorry to the kitchen who may have been affronted at them being shoved to one side and not touched! The salmon and the sauce was beautiful though, with a herb crust and set on a bed of fine shoots and onions. Alex had fillet of beef which looked gorgeous and Jackie had ... well I can't remember actually...
We stayed for three hours and customers were coming in for afternoon tea which looked wonderful - sandwiches and cakes and pots of tea. Almost as gorgeous as the stunning young lady who came in with two friends or relatives...
"Don't mind me, lads..." muttered Jackie in exasperation as we sat goggle-eyed for a moment... They really did look delicious those sandwiches...
Goggle eyed for a moment?!!! a moment?!!!
ReplyDeleteYou were both completely lost to me by the time you'd wolfed the 4strawberry puddings neither of you shared
I could have been revealing all manner of goss but your attention was definitely elsewhere.
I'm arranging for suitable eye candy for moi to be seated behind YOUR shoulders next year in our Liverpool eatery.
And I had welsh rarebit , by the way..not that you two'd notice , hmmph!
Hang on a minute - are you suggesting Alex and I are not suitable eye candy?!? Outrageous! And anyway - welsh rarebit - that probably accounts for it. I'd have seen it but not recognised it. I only go to Wales very seldom... And the 4 puddings were only small...