The router still has to be delivered as yet though so the new PC is sitting there doing little other than acting as a jukebox.
To be honest I've not had a great deal of time to play on it as last week I was in Newcastle all week on a course - doing homework and taking two exams towards the end of the week. Little was done at all other than work - and eat... I've put on a couple of pounds - Jackie from work taking me for countless curries - must be a staple Geordie diet? The photo was taken one night as we walked back over the Millenium Bridge over the Tyne.
Anyway, to get back to the plot, the chap has been to put the Sky dish up today and I got my first taste of HD TV around lunchtime. So the next few nights could well be spent comatose on the sofa watching the telly.
Whether that's as a result of the HD picture, the lack of access to the Internet unless I get the works laptop out, or the aftermath of an exhausting week's course I leave to your imagination!
I'll be back soon though!
Large Version of the Photo: Tyne Bridge and Sunset
Check out Rock-On-Tv, John...Sky Channel 260. Some good shows on there, Wakeman, Yes, Greg Lake etc