It is with sadness that I have to report the demise of this wonderful Regentone HandyGram record player.

It lived in a small suitcase-like container and played both 78s and 45s with equal wobble. This was due to wear on the bearing upon which the turntable rested and so it was possible to tilt the playing surface a little bit and just about impossible to get it to sit exactly flat. Anyway all that is of little moment now as in mid-record (Max Bygraves' Tulips From Amsterdam in case you're interested) one of the cats thought it would be a good idea to jump on top of the record.

Interestingly the motor coped with this quite well, however in turn this meant that the cat suddenly started to spin at 78rpm and he had a mild panic, crashing into the playing arm and managing to snap it completely off by breaking the Bakelite plastic. Max seemed to escape with relatively little damage other than a little excitement at being played in four separate grooves at once by curved claws... (Yes I know there's only one groove...) Ho hum, Dansette much missed, consigned to the tip...
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