6 August 2006 was a day at sea and a chance to have a proper look around our cruise ship - the
Island Star.

Here's the obvious bit! The pool deck had two pools, one for anklebiters and one for wrinklies. This is where we spent most of our afternoons vainly trying to spot the bodies beautiful which were mainly hidden behind the bodies hideous...
One side of the ship was designated as a non-smoking area and the other side was foggier and smellier.
Towards the back, just before the chimney stack is a stage where the ship's musicians came out to do a spot during the afternoon and then each evening at sailing time and for the party nights on deck. The Island Star had a traditon of a party night where all the senior officers of the ship from Captain down, lined the sun deck balconies and did a dance routine. Spectacular!

This was our cabin, with Miss Franny demonstrating sole use of a bunk. I did try bribing the captain to rock the boat at night side to side so we fell out on top of each other but he said if he had to be up all night on duty then why should I enjoy myself...

Beachcomber Restaurant was at the stern on the Pool Deck and was the self-service cafeteria, open 24 hours a day with two identical sides so they could open one side whilst replenishing the other. Although self-service there were plenty of bar waiters circulating so you could order wine or other drinks with your meal.

Miss Franny was eager for me to include something about the shopping experience, but I try not to have shopping experiences on holiday. There were clothes shops and jewellers and an "offie" selling spirits and tobacco as well as a general store selling snacks, books, souvenirs, sun cream and toys on board.
Each night there were
specials where tables would be outside the shopping area, loaded with perfumes or gold or watches. I even bought a watch myself as mine decided on the second day to run out of battery and that was one thing you couldn't get!

The Ocean Theatre. An energetic team of dancers fronted by 5 singers performed every night supplemented by two star cabaret acts and a resident magician.
One of the male dancers,
Hugo must have had rubber bones - no male should be able to kick both legs up sideways beyond the horizontal, surely... I also have to mention one of the singers,
Lisa Core, who had a stunning voice she really was excellent. The year after
Island Star was taken out of service we saw her performing as part of the team onboard
Ocean Village II.
And around the ship a variety of bars with different forms of entertainment, there was a piano bar and there was one with a girl duo who were quite good.

And once out of national waters the ship's casino opened for those with money to burn. I watched...
So this is our environment for the week but apart from today, it's really just a means of getting from one place to another in style! Tomorrow will be our first place of call -
Villefranche in France from where we will visit Monaco and Monte Carlo. So for now sit back, relax and... "
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