Not because I've been away from home for two days... I've been in Newcastle for a planning meeting with colleagues and Fran got used to me being away years ago.
No, it was that when I got back last night and she'd cooked a meal I reached for the bottle of tomato sauce and gave it a good shake. Ah... the top wasn't screwed on, was it?

It covered me - the clean PJs that I'd just changed into, all down one leg, up and over the shoulder, across my glasses and up my forehead...
It covered Jess, one of our two cats... He was sitting on top of the freezer and caught quite spectacularly a large dollop all down his side. He immediately scarpered and took refuge on the window sill in the living room where he generously smeared it on the floor, net curtains, ordinary curtains and the door as he rushed through...
We had to wash him ... and the floor, the furniture, the curtains will have to come down today, the PJs etc. etc... I've been warned never to have ketchup again and never to shake anything until I've checked that the lid is secure. I was almost sent packing back to Newcastle... You know, women lose all their sense of humour at things like that, don't they? I think a change of kitchen carpet is imminent...
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