My computer downloaded the new Internet Explorer last night (taking so long I had to leave it on all night) and now tabs no longer work as they should. You can open new tabs ok and you can right-click a link and open it in a new tab, but just clicking one opens it in a new window.
Head for the options page and there is no longer an option to open links in a new tab. Duh! One of the best things that came with Version 7! Do they just not test or do they just not think?
Oh - and it refuses to open this blog for some reason. I only managed to post by opening one of my other blogs and then going to Blogger's Dashboard to post from there. So hey - you will see this before I do!!! (Unless you get the same problem...)

Once you click the Ok button the page that has already opened... disappears...

Come on Microsoft - try harder! I'm reminded of an earlier version of Microsoft's Word which if you typed "Microsoft boffins" suggested you should mean "Microsoft buffoons"...
UPDATE 5:00pm
Well well... I'm now getting here ok and whilst at first I got here and the counter wouldn't load but now all appears well.
Had an email from my mate Alex to say the blog hasn't opened for him in IE for a week or so. If he hadn't gone on to say he was using Firefox to open it I'd have been tempted to think that was his way of tactfully avoiding having to read it but good man him!
Oh and after the negativity in the title, let's hear it for those hard-working nice people at the mighty MS! Good Old Microsoft... (by the way... can you fix it so that links targetted to open in a blank window can be directed to a new tab again please? You know it makes sense...)
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