Wednesday 8 February 2023

Merry Maidens

Wednesday 7 August 1996. After dinner in a small village pub (both the village and the pub were small) we went to find the Merry Maidens stone circle near Lamorna.

Legend says the stones are the remains of dancers who broke the rule banning dancing on the Sabbath day. Since they pre-date Christianity it was probably a tale made up by early Christians to stop locals using a place of spiritual meaning to them. In a nearby field are a couple of taller standing stones called The Pipers. If they were playing their music for the maidens then the poor girls must have had very good hearing...

With all this exploring of hill tops, Mum was making sure that any low-flying helicopter pilots saw us...

I had no dowsing rods but tried to find any ley lines with a couple of blades of grass. They swivelled as they should, but Dad was a bit sceptical! "That's wind!" he scoffed. I reminded him that he used to say the same thing when I smiled...

We're quite a way away from Newquay, so it's goodbye to the ancient stones of the far south west of Cornwall and back to the car to head back to meet the others before it's time for our main meal of the day. We have just one further stop to make...

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