A short postcard from Private Edgar Pedley of the 59th Signal Corps. Stamped "Active Service" he writes back home to his landlady (Edgar was lodging with Arthur and Fanny Storr when he left for the war).

The postcard is a picture view of St Omer's church of St Denis, the martyr of Paris, who had his head chopped off in Montmarte, picked it up and walked six miles before dying, preaching all the way. He is (perhaps unsurprisingly) the patron saint of headaches...

Anyway, I digress. Edgar has made it through to May 1918 and writes perhaps a little hastily: "I am quite well, letter follows at first opportunity."

A. Edgar Pedley, proudly wearing his medal ribbons in later life. Postcard and photo from the Hayley Easthope Collection.
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