A quick look at some of the areas on the ship. Note that this article shows the ship as it was in 2012. I'm hoping this will stay online for a few years so, as ships regularly undergo refurbishment, it may not necessarily show the ship as it may currently be.

A look at our cabin - 014 on Deck 9. There's a fridge, a TV - you're on holiday, what do you want a telly for??? Electrical sockets available are European round pin and US flat pin. Use the European ones in preference as the voltage is closer to that of the UK.

Horizons Bar. This is on Deck Nine, right at the front of the ship. Directly over the Bridge in fact so you get spectacular sea views from here whilst the ship is at sea in daylight. At night it is a cabaret bar and very popular. During most afternoons you can sit here with a glass of something, reading or simply joining in the gentle chorus of snores, people jumping as their partners nudge them, shouts of "Agh! What?" and fierce whispers of "You were snoring!".

There's an old nautical binnacle too, by the windows in the centre of the ship so you can play at being a salty dog...! Miss Franny decides to just sit and peruse the cocktail menu though...

The Explorers' Lounge. There is no bar in this one so it tends to be a quieter place to sit and doze or relax during the afternoons. It contains a piano and the entertainment (mainly during the evening) tends to be a little more classical than jaunty.

The Explorers' Lounge leads in to the Browsers' Corner, Deck 5 forward. You can pay for Internet access, but it is very slow and if you really can't take a break from your equipment even whilst on holiday, your best bet is to take a mobile device and follow the crew when the ship docks as they will know where the best free wi-fi is.

Also in this area you will find a small library. All they ask is that you don't take books home...

Destinations Services on Deck 5 is where you can book your excursion tickets. The morning after you join the ship there will be a presentation in the theatre showing videos of the places the ship will visit during the week. Each tour will be described and a raffle held for those who sit through the presentation to win free places on a tour. If there is a tour you particularly want to go on though, get it booked as early as possible as places can be limited and for the big famous sites there will be a lot of demand. The Destinations Services desk has a "drop-off box" where you can leave booking forms 24 hours a day if the desk itself is not open. If you rush out of your cabin at 3:00 in the morning, don't forget to take your room key...

Broad Street - the shopping area on Deck 5. Yes, there's a lot goes on along the length of Deck 5! The ship's shops shape for shoppers only when the ship is at sea. When you are in a port the locals like to think you will visit their shops. But they will be open every night as soon as you leave the port and all day on your day at sea. Each night will see themed special promotions with discounts. One night, jewellery and watches, another night perfume and aftershave, another night cigs and alcohol etc.

There's also a small shop that sells such things as toiletry items, suntan lotion and antacid medicines in case you might overdo things a little!

The place where you might over-indulge! This is the Main Dining Room, waiter service throughout. A self-service dining room is also available.
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