In town yesterday to take a few more photos for the forthcoming Blackpool book. It was a bit of a mixed day with ten minutes bright sunshine then ten minutes torrential downpour followed by ten minutes bright sunshine followed by...

The market on Abingdon Street, seen above in November 2011, has been going through the throes of refurbishment for a while. There has been scaffolding and workmen and it is starting to emerge, cleaner and back to its mock Tudor black and white excellence.
A new front at ground floor level will see new windows installed and new doors leading into the market which is well used by locals as well as visitors.

Currently it still looks a bit chaotic, though the market remains open to shoppers. However I noticed that the cladding around the entrance has been removed in preparation for the new frontage and a long-lost sign has appeared.

Built in 1862, the building was originally the town's Police Station. Apparently cells still exist in the basement. It had space for horses and vehicles by way of a large entrance and following the end of its life as the Police Station, operated as a motor garage for a period (see below) before becoming a market in 1928.

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