For me, either of the two could knock Coca-Cola or Pepsi for six. Dandelion and Burdock, despite sounding as though you should throw up on hearing the name, never mind tasting it, is a rich dark wonderfully tasty drink. It immediately brings back memories of being 12 and skipping school dinners to go to the local chippy eating room.
Then we'd go to the sweets shop which had big bottles of Ben Shaws drinks, every flavour imaginable. They had a huge stock of plastic glasses and you could buy a glass of your favourite pop for 3d. Some kids went for cream soda, some went for ginger beer, but I would always go for one of my favourite two, or on those days when I simply couldn't make my mind up, I'd get all giddy and have a half-and-half!
And now Asda, at least, have brought back this great taste for me to enjoy again. Thank you Asda!
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