I've just got in from spending the morning mooching around Fleetwood's Tram Sunday. Not too many trams in evidence, but we'll save the transport for another article, because of all the things on show, this took my fancy the most.

The carousel of gallopers presented by Howard Brothers of Derbyshire looked absolutely wonderful in the bright sunshine - yes for a change, the sun made an appearance today!

The ride has a three-abreast layout, is driven by steam from an onboard steam engine and has a 54-key Limonair organ fitted by the present owners, whose own website has a comprehensive history of the ride.

Built in 1886 in Kings Lynn, the ride's carriages for younger riders are decorated with paintings of 19th century military heroes such as Lords Wellington, Roberts and Kitchener.

The ride has been restored to a spectacular condition and with the organ playing and an occasional puff of steam from the engine made a great alternative to the static displays of buses and cars which were, perhaps, meant to be the main focus of the day.
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