Saturday 3 February 2024

Myerscough Horticulture

Thursday 3 August 2000. A dinnertime wander to the Plant Centre. This will be mainly a photographic entry to the blog with very little commentary. What I know about horticulture and botany can be written in large handwriting on the back of a postage stamp... (Remember them...?)

I have my own five-category way of identifying plant life...

1. If it is green all over and spiky - it's a grass or (2.) a cactus.

3. If it is green with coloured bits on top - it's a flower.

4. If it is green all over and very wide - it's a bush (or alternatively - a shrub).

5. If it's green and wide on top of a long brown thick stalk - it's a tree!

Anything that falls outisde these categories can be best categorized and dealt with in one of two ways...

1. If it's not in your way or doing harm - leave it alone.

2. If it is in your way and doesn't move when shooed, then it's probably a plant that can be dug up or chopped down.

Just past the Plant Centre were some plots that were regularly used by Landscape students as test plots.

A bit of wickerwork fencing.

Ivy coloured wall.

The hedge maze. I used to love this, but it had to go in order for a new building to go up sometime later.

Work Index

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