Sunday 3 December 2023

Garda, Lake Garda, and Homeward

Monday 5 July 2003. We are on the last leg of our last look at Lake Garda on the last day of our holiday. Let's hope it lasts...

Hey up... At the time of Napoleon the French armies gained control of much of northern Italy. Having gotten back on board the Leger coach this is what we see as we approach the town of Garda. The blighters are still here! So, singing a well-chosen Abba song we wave gaily as we pass...

Garda has a curved bay facing onto the lake and is altogether another reason why we don't want to go home again so soon. "Do you know how much rain we get in our Lake District?" I demanded of a French dragoon, casually swatting his sabre aside. His eyes crossed. It wasn't his sabre...

We followed the curve of the lakeside into town. Bars and gelateria all over the place. An excellent last stopping point for the holiday.

And in the town, more pavement cafes and bars. There was a parish church dating back to the 6th-7th centuries, though it was rebuilt from 1530. Unfortunately the money ran out and the church didn't get finished until 1764. We deferred a visit for a chance of a sit down with a glass of Aperol...

Then it was back on the coach and the return to Riva del Garda, passing through more of the road tunnels through the cliffs as we approached Torbole. I think I mentioned that a few years later the tunnels would be used for a car chase scene in the 2006 Bond film Casino Royale. Somewhere along this bit an Aston Martin car had to be fished out of the lake with a crane after a stunt driver had a slight mishap...

We got off the coach in Riva and then had a surprise as a bunch of determined chaps came round the corner, legging it for all they were worth. Were they still after Bond? No, he wouldn't be here for another two years, it was a running race. We soon noticed TV cameras all over the town.

Not long afterwards the runners had spaced themselves out nicely as the fit ones pulled away and the less fit ones puffed and panted behind. I puffed and panted from behind a nice ornamental glass dish with ice cream, pineapple, strawberries and fresh cream... It was hard going...

Tuesday 6 July 2003. We were picked up at Riva and driven to Verona airport for our flight back home to Manchester. I think I'm right in saying this was the first time we had boarded a plane the old-fashioned way, by walking out onto the tarmac to climb the steps instead of walking along an air corrider to step onto the aeroplane on the level.

Our flight would take us up over the Dolomites and the Alps which, it must be said, is better than flying into the side of them. Join us on another holiday soon!

Lake Garda and Northern Italy, 2003 Index

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