Monday 31 January 1983. We awake to the sight of snow falling in Blackpool.

Grabbing a camera, I set off to walk up the Promenade. Usually snow in Blackpool means a few tiny flakes floating for half an hour. It is very rare to see snow actually start to settle let alone cover the ground like this.

Having lived here in Blackpool for almost half a century, this is the only time I can remember snow covering the sand on the beach! Although on saying that, we only lived close to the seafront for five years, whilst my parents had a hotel on Trafalgar Road.

The White Church in St Annes looks a little whiter amidst the snow. It doesn't take long for traffic to start turning the snow into dirty coloured slush on the roads! And sadly, that is it. Why I didn't take more photographs that day I really can't remember. Either I had to be somewhere else or I was too skint to buy film (photography was an expensive hobby back then!) or I was afflicted by a fierce desire to be back in the warmth of home... I'm not sure. Whatever the reason, these were the only record of the day that I was to make.
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