Son-in-law Eddie has been down to cheer Blackpool on at West Ham today so Gill decided to relive the days of outings with Mum and Dad! We went up to Keswick and had lunch then walked along the market stalls and I went to my favourite antiques shop for a look round. Sadly he's given over stocking old 78rpm records but it's still a great shop to look round!
We spent all that time in Keswick but the lens cap didn't come off the camera until we were on our way back and called in at Grasmere around 3 o'clock this afternoon. The sun was low by then and conditions were spot on!

Gill and Fran are shown here about to drop "Pooh sticks" over the bridge into the river. Apparently I should have known what this was all about - racing sticks down the current... Alas when Gill said "You have to pick up a Pooh stick!" I got my hands bit messy...

Not only that, but as the ladies' two Pooh sticks floated off down river, mine sank straight away!

By the time we had ambled down to the next bridge, the two sticks had long gone by. They said it was my fault, stopping to scrub hands on tufts of grass, but I think it was just sour grapes... Anyway you can imagine the triumph of watching my effort rolling along the river bed as we looked down...

Herdwicks. "Heard of wicks? Course I've heard of wicks... What have candles to do with this though?"
From rolling in the poo,
I'm not a sheep you twit,
I'm a cow - moo!
Sorry - but I always used to make up songs for Gill, I thought it was called for...

There you are - we were out for a full day but the blog post came out of just a half an hour stop just before it started to go dark!
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