The photos are from 1991, probably August. There was a Motive Power display going on along the Promenade, but a Google search failed to tell me the exact date!

The North Pier had just installed this magnificent two-storey carousel. It would later be partly obscured by some glass screens that were put around it to shield it from salt spray from the sea and the harsh winds that Blackpool is prone to.
I've seen similar carousels all over the place. In fact here's an example from St Tropez on the French Riviera!

The decking of the North Pier at the time was being taken up to lay a track for a tram that would take passengers from the entrance to the pier along to the theatre at the far end.

The tram would be mainly used at theatre time and at other times was destined to trundle up and down the pier with a handful of passengers.
And as if all this excitement wasn't enough, a helicopter was landing on the end of the pier to take passengers on a (very short) trip all the way down the Promenade almost as far as halfway to the Central Pier...

This did not do a lot to excite those who had been accustomed to fishing from the end of the pier...
In a blindingly obvious statement a sign reads: "
helicopter rotor blades are dangerous".
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i drove that tram in summer of '97. best job ever. hilarious!