Well I like a bit of drama, but perhaps the title should more realistically be A Night Onboard the Destiny!

It's Tuesday, 17 May 2011 and we have left Toulon - you can't stay too lon-g in toulon - and having had a quick wash and brush up, straightened my jacket and curled my hair and teeth, we find the evening meal enlivened by the waiters and chefs parading the baked alaska around the dining room.

Here Pipit, our Head Waiter presents Fran with a silk rose - she blinked at the wrong time here and once we got back and realised I have had to refuse firmly as she wanted to go back for another week to retake the photo...

Here he... well I'm not sure what he was doing really but anything involving fire and napkins is a welcome diversion as we await the next course!

Then we went into the Can-Can show lounge to watch the night's show. The cast posed on stage following the performance for people to take photos. There was one who posed every night come to think of it... He reminded me of that advert with Cilla Black where she looks like she's had the sides of her mouth sewn up and just the middle bit opens... Every night I wanted to tell him "For Heaven's Sake, stop simpering, man!!!" And one of the girls was the only person I've ever come across who sings slightly sharp... But apart from that they were quite good really!

Then after the show we went for drinkies in the Clipper Bar then as usual made our way up top for a shufti over the side (a look not a chuck) and found a romantic full moon reflected from the far horizon.

I turned to Fran to whisper something suitably seductive only to find her sitting waiting for me to bring a coffee from the self-service restaurant behind the pool deck... Where has this week gone? Tomorrow we will be in Barcelona for the last day of our cruise!
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