Tuesday 28 April 2009

Newcastle Night Out

I'm back in Newcastle again for a 2-day meeting and went out for a meal with my colleagues last night at the Baltic Restaurant. This huge art gallery was converted from a flour mill, which presumably explains why there are lots of short people in bowler hats with white faces in the area... (You have to be a certain age and have lived in UK probably to get that...)

Anyway it was a rather posh menu. Which is another way of saying "disguised". What on earth is "ratte potato" for Heaven's sake? Anyway we figured "potato" meant "on a stick" and gave that dish a wide berth...

A very nice meal though - I had duck breast in a jus - another posh way of saying "watery gravy" I usually think! All the old values are going you know - where can you get a decent cup of Nescafe these days?

Anyway it was very pleasant to sit several storeys up and watch the colours of the Millenium Bridge change in the spotlights. We crossed it later on and then the fit young things I work with decided to take a short cut up several hundred steps to a pub near the castle and I got there in sprightly fashion with only a mild heart attack and a period of a mere two hours before I could bring myself to speak again...

Hmmm - could have been why they chose that route perhaps...

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